Far Infrared Therapy

Feeling exhausted after a hard week?

Book a massage combined with infrared light therapy & feel blissfully relaxed today!

All Daizen massages begin with a complimentary foot ‘detox’ ritual. This is designed to ensure you feel completely relaxed and at ease; and will enable you to fully enjoy your chosen therapy.

You also get to choose your own special oils - pre-blended just for you. Select your favourite from the Daizen Aromatherapy oils page.


Benefits of infrared light therapy

  • Detoxification

  • Relaxation

  • Cell health

  • Pain relief

  • Improved circulation

  • Would healing

Use Far Infrared therapy (FIT) as part of your holistic self-care

According to the World Health Organisation (WHO):

"Health is a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity." Definition of ‘health’ (n.d.) retrieved April 28, 2020, from the World Health Organisation website.

It would then be appropriate to say that anything that positively impacts on the physical, mental and social well-being of the person as well as possibly preventing the incidence of disease would improve health.

With the re-opening of Daizen Therapy on the lifting of the corona virus lock-down, I wanted to offer clients the opportunity to benefit from and discover for themselves, how Far infrared therapy (FIT) can help prevent numerous physical & mental ailments that would have accumulated from months of being cooped up at home.

In a Mental health Pandemic long-term study by the Mental Health Foundation (started in March 2020) its research found:

- 45% of the UK population had felt anxious or worried in the November, which rose to 64% of respondents who have a pre-existing mental health condition. 

- 25% reported feeling lonely.

- 18% felt hopeless and 49% reported feeling frustrated in November.

This was me, frustrated and stressed at having to cope with a teenager in the house. I lamented to my husband that after days of confinement, I could take no more – I told him to go out and I’d pay the fine!! (I didn’t and he reluctantly stayed put!).


As part of Daizen’s modern and multidisciplinary outlook, I have introduced FIT therapy as a tool to combat stress and achieve good mental & physical health.

Now, is the best time for you to help manage those stress levels by discovering the potential power of FIT therapy to boost/improve your health before it becomes a chronic condition that may be costly and comes with unwarranted side effects associated with the long-term use of drugs.

So, what’s so special about FIT light therapy?

Briefly, FIT therapy is a form of light therapy, which involves getting exposed to enough intensity of infrared light to experience health benefits. The infrared spectrum is the invisible light with frequencies below that of the red light, where the gentle radiant heat emitted is used to heal and soothe us while affecting our physiology in beneficial ways. FIT therapy complements and boosts the benefits of having massages - getting a double dose of benefits from both treatments.

Knowledge of FIT therapy which was once on the fringes of science has become mainstream and in recent years, there has been a large body of evidence, observations and medical recognition globally that FIT heat therapy is in fact good for you.


How does it work?

Far Infrared rays are invisible waves of energy that can penetrate the skin and underlying tissues, muscles, bones (penetrating up to 7cm) and raises the core body temperature by causing the subcutaneous protein, collagens, fats and water molecules in the body to vibrate. The slight elevation of surface temperature causes improved blood circulation and the blood vessels to dilate; oxygenating and removing toxins from muscle and fatty tissue.

Scientific studies show that this improvement in blood circulation, enhances our body’s functioning on many levels (References for studies available for further reading) . The basis of promoting health through good blood circulation originates from ancient Asian therapies such as Chinese Qigong, which is discussed in my pages on Qigong and its benefits.

Hopefully, the science has not put you off…. But as an aside, I would like to share with you, what its like being under this light therapy.


How FIT therapy feels

The first time I used FIT was when I had an episode of acute back pain from lifting my baby son who was at least 8 lbs up to 50 times a day. By this time, I had downed a packet of painkillers per day for 2 weeks. I went to a physiotherapist, who suggested I try a session as he already had good success with other patients. When I went into the clinic, I was in considerable pain, walking bent (I couldn’t even straighten up!) with sharp twinges running up and down my back. I was given a 20 minute session and whilst lying under the heat lamp, I instantly felt this warm glow bathing all over me - like when you get sitting on a beach, feeling absolute bliss from being warmed all over in the heat of the sun. BLISSFULLY WARM.

Remember that feeling? After the session, I felt utterly relaxed and refreshed and wasn’t hunched over. The back pain had been reduced to intermittent twinges. It did take another 3 sessions within 2 weeks to completely recover and be pain-free. I was surprised that it was so quick to heal (babies don’t wait for their mum’s backs to heal!). The other great thing about it all? You don’t have to slap on any sun cream as there’s no UVA light to get sunburned.

Benefits of Far Infrared Light Therapy


Pain Relief

Both FIT and massage increases temperature of the soft tissues, one by applying friction against the skin whilst the other by irradiating the skin. As I often observe in my clients, aches and pains often disappear even after a short session - Infrared hyperthermia increases endorphin production which negates pain signals sent from the nerves in the spinal column. Endorphins are those happy hormones - our own body’s natural painkillers. Athletes have been known to use Infrared heat to relieve aches, pains and strains, in addition to help speed up their healing process.

FIT boosts massage benefits

Both therapies relieve stress, anxiety & muscle tension, in addition to increasing lymphatic flow & blood circulation. Both modalities induce the activation of the body’s own natural healing processes to help reduce pain. Together, they create a potent therapy to address pain & tension.

As a therapist, I have found combining both Far infrared light & massage therapy extremely beneficial. Both treatments cause increased blood vessel vasodilation and improved blood flow to difficult areas, reducing pain considerably, whilst expanding constricted tissue and relaxing muscle areas – reducing muscle spasms at source.


Alleviates Chronic Fatigue

It has been shown in studies that those suffering from chronic fatigue disorder experience relief from depression and sleep problems when treated by FIT therapy. Since regular, good quality sleep combats against depression, this is an indirect benefit to receiving regular massages combined with FIT therapy. Taking care of yourself through both these therapies and even gifting it to others can create a sense of ease and satisfaction in one’s life.


Boosts Immunity

I have found one of the best benefits of using FIR therapy is the boost to your immune system. Under FIT light, the body heats up and is detoxified through your sweat, kidney and bowels. There is an increase in the amount of white blood cells and killer T-cells production which wards off viruses and harmful bacteria. The enhanced cardiovascular activity and peripheral blood circulation keep veins and arteries flexible and help eliminate plaque and cellular waste.

Research by NASA has shown that far infrared on the cardiovascular system is a great way of keeping an astronaut’s heart in optimal condition. The body is kept in natural balance and no longer has to fight off an unmanageable toxic overload.



This brings me to the topic of detoxification; I am a great advocate of using FIT to facilitate detoxification of the body.  Over the last 2-3 years, reading through the studies, FIT therapy has been shown to help in fat loss, water retention, skin disorders, as well as in the elimination of heavy metals, poisons, and carcinogenic material from our bodies (Research available on request).

Every time we process food, especially processed food or meats, our bodies create lactic acids and free fatty acids, as well as excess sodium and uric acid. FIt can help clean the liver and kidneys, instead of overworking the skin in processing our toxins out through the dermis. How? When FIT light heats the body temperature, the expanded blood capillaries very gently increases blood flow. The action also increases oxygenation and regeneration of the blood, deeply detoxifying it and thus improving the functions of all the major organs in the body, which depend on blood for energy. This detoxification is on the deepest level, allowing hidden toxins in the blood and tissue to be dissolved or immobilized.

Over time, with regular sessions of FIT, your body begins to function at an optimum level of cellular healing and disease prevention. Essentially, it is a non-pharmacological and efficient method for removing the body of heavy metals, acids and toxin waste accumulated over time from pollution, excesses of drinking and junk food.

So, with all these benefits, how can you not try it for yourself?

With life not expected to return to our ‘normal’ after the lock-down, we may not be able to nor want to return to our ‘normal’ life, going on our ‘normal’ holidays abroad to the sun. Why not take this opportunity to make up for the lack of sunshine in your life by coming along and enjoying some wonderful relaxation under a FIT light whilst basking in its warmth without the risk of getting sunburn nor catching COVID19 on the plane ride!

Book a 20 min session before your massage for just £10.00


Gift it!

Why not gift this combined session to a loved one, your mum or hard-working hubby? Since both therapies specifically aid in healing, mood management, relaxation, and tension relief, this makes it the perfect gift for virtually anyone. And you’ll be popular… forever… or at least till they need another session.


It is important to note that the information written here is purely for informational purposes and is not intended to be a substitute for your own medications or advice from your doctor or healthcare specialist. In keeping with Daizen’s philosophy of usage of integrated medicine (using complementary therapies alongside conventional medical advice), the information above is not to be used to diagnose, mitigate, treat, cure or prevent a health problem or disease, without consulting with a healthcare professional or specialist. There is no claim that Infrared Products will cure or heal any disease or condition and personal experiences of using the therapy may differ from individual to individual.